after the photoshop class
our class decided go to ice skating
before we go
we having our lunch at Pizza hut
all ate until "gao gao"
wakaka XD
nid more energy to skate ma
am i right?haha
this time ice skating
is not my 1st time
but my 1st time is long long time ady
n that time im holding the sides
walk n walk n walk
is not skate
is it very funny right?
but this time is more different
im really put effort on it
learn n learn
although i fall down many times
i think more about 10 times
but i never give up
i also want to thankz all my friends
who teaches me how to skating
especially Elaine,Bao, Xumeng,Chong yan,Vincent,Sheila n more
they all very patient to teached me
held my hand all the time
but sorry all my dear friend ya
bcoz i make you all fallen down
make the hands feel pain
but i very enjoy it
and very happy with this experiment
and also assist the friendship between us
have more fun next time ya^^